
Profile Information
Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Here for:
Dating, Friendship, Crew 
About Me:

Sailor and skipper, funny, spiritual, kind, caring, imaginative. Environmentalist, degree in Environmental Science and have worked in an environmental field for most of my life

Sailing Experience:

Two Atlantic crossings on a Legend426 with total 4 crew East to West and West to East. Over six weeks as skipper on boats around 45 foot in the Mediterranean; Turkey, Greece, Italy, Croatia and have sailed between countries Italy to Corsica, Corsica to Sardinia and I have skipped a few night sails. I will have sailed over 10,000 miles now.
People like sailing with me, on holidays I have people who prefer to be on my boat and when I crew for someone they normally want me again.
I don't get sea sick and I can cook in the roughest conditions

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