
Sailing into Spring: Celebrating Imbolc on the Water

I don’t follow a particular religion but I do find myself drawn to the seasonal festivals celebrated by modern pagans as represented in the Pagan Wheel of the Year. I like these festivals because they celebrate a deep reverence for nature. This includes the worship of nature deities, a celebration of natural cycles (such as solstices and equinoxes), and a belief in the sacredness of natural sites. One such festival is Imbolc which marks the beginning of spring. It is traditionally celebrated on February 1st or 2nd, about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

The name “Imbolc” is thought to derive from Old Irish and means “in the belly,” referring to the pregnancy of ewes, as it is lambing season. It is also interpreted as “to wash/cleanse oneself,” relating to ritual purification. Imbolc is strongly associated with the goddess Brigid, who later became Christianized as Saint Brigid of Kildare. Brigid is a goddess of fire, healing, poetry, and smithcraft in pagan mythology. She was also connected to the elements and was often invoked for protection in various aspects of life. In Christian traditions, Saint Brigid is revered for her compassion and miracles, and it’s possible that sailors, like many others, might have sought her intercession for safety and guidance.

Traditionally, Imbolc was a time to light fires, perform rituals for purification and protection, and celebrate the increasing strength of the sun. People would visit holy wells, and Brigid was said to visit virtuous households to bless the inhabitants as they slept. Customs also included making Brigid’s crosses from rushes or straw, which were believed to protect homes from harm.

Modern celebrations often include candle lighting, crafting Brigid’s crosses, and rituals for purification and renewal. I mark Imbolc by meeting up with friends for a celebratory dinner. We talk about our positive intentions for the coming year. We give gifts we have made or exchange small cuttings and plants from our gardens that will grow through the year and remind us of our resolutions. It’s a very positive and uplifting celebration that starts to mark the end of the winter and looks forward with renewed hope and ideas for the coming year.

Imbolc also signals to me that it’s time to get back out on the water. The onset of spring often brings with it better conditions for sailing. Generally, there are not too many extremes of temperature and the winds are consistent. It is important to remember though that spring weather can be unpredictable, (more so with the current problem of climate change) but this provides a range of conditions from calm to moderately challenging. This variability is excellent for skill development, as you can experience and learn to handle different types of weather and water conditions. Good weather forecasting is a must in the spring.  As the season progresses, the daylight hours increase affording additional time to sail. Spring is a time of renewal and growth. Sailing during this season allows you to witness the blooming of nature, including coastal flowers and greenery. It’s also a great time for bird watching and observing marine life, as many species are more active during these months. So what are you waiting for? Get out on the water and celebrate spring.

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