
Profile Information
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Here for:
Dating, Friendship, Crew 
About Me:

I'm a very unique person very interesting and funny, I am in the master in the kitchen and I can cook up a storm on any sailing trip... I really like going to festivals and just special occasions otherwise I love fitness and really clean healthy food. I like to have a drink while really enjoy the company of my friends and your friends possibly. :)

Sailing Experience:

My experience started eight months ago in the Whitsundays around all the islands on a sailboat called the wind which I happen also sailed from great Keppel Island 7 days to Mooloolaba... I feel very blessed for this experience but I have now parted way with the crew and the ship, I am the master in the kitchen cooking up to 4 meals a day to make sure that all sailors and fed to get the best sale capacity every day :)

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